
Welcome Back Alicia video! ♥

Ny video, sorry dolig kvalite först, hade fel film inställningar men enjoy, i videons beskrivning finns det en guid hur man instalerar men skriver den here :3

♥Welcome Back Alicia! ♥

Can't believe that Alicia is back! Missed it so much!!

So this is just the ranch version, u can only ride around the farm, NOT race etc. but its more than enough for me

So if u want to download the ranch version go to:
But u also need Utorrent or something similar,
Alicia is Not a virus but some security programs can think it is, just so u know, and when u install utorrent Be sure that u ONLY install u torrent nothing else.

Step one: Download both files + utorrent
Step two: Open the client file in utorrent and start the setup
Step three: When u have done that u can open the other file, the laucher, click install and then when it's done, u press done, and then you're done! :D

Good Luck!!